UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 2019
Healthcare Experience, Engagement and Reform
Ms Anne-Marie Martin is the 2019 recipient of the Carla Vlaskamp Award
In August, Anne-Marie presented an oral paper titled “Classic Grounded Theory (CGT) as an approach to research involving people with severe/profound intellectual disability” at this year’s IASSID World Congress in Glasgow. Anne-Marie is currently completing her PhD titled ‘The meaning-making process between people with severe/profound intellectual disability and their communication partners: A grounded theory’ under the supervision of Dr Tom Andrews, School of Nursing and Midwifery and Professor Juliet Goldbart, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Ms Anne-Marie Martin, Programme Leader and Lecturer in Intellectual Disability Nursing received the 2019 Carla Vlaskamp Award. This international award is given in recognition of the lifetime achievements of Professor Vlaskamp (University of Groningen) in placing a focus on the voice and rights of persons with profound intellectual disabilities. It was established by the Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities Special Interest Research Group (SIRG-PIMD) in the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID). Professor Vlaskamp is one of the founders of the SIRG and played an important role in the ‘visibility’ of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and the generation of knowledge to advance the care and support of this group. The award enables an early career researcher to present at the IASSID World Congress.
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