UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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StaffMember of theSchool - LloydFrankPhilpott, PhD Graduation Lloyd graduated on October 28 th , 2022, at a ceremony at Áras na Mac Léinn. Lloyd’s PhD thesis was titled “The investigation of paternal stress, anxiety and depression during the perinatal period and the coexistence of paternal stress, anxiety and depression in the early postnatal period”. The Head of School, Professor Josephine Hegarty, as well as Lloyd’s supervisor, Professor Eileen Savage, attended the ceremony.

Extending The Impact of Doctoral Research and Building Capacity Dr Helen Mulcahy was originally awarded an MSc by research scholarship UCC Strategic Research Fund (SRF). This funding subsequently supported an MSc by Research student to extend her Doctoral research with a sample of fathers. Ms Simone O’Connor conducted an MSc Research study entitled Examining fathers’ feeding practices with their children. Lead and Team Members: MSc Research supervisors Dr Helen Mulcahy and Professor Patricia Leahy-Warren

Link: Thesis available in CORA and assigned the following identifier: https://cora.ucc.ie/handle/10468/13258

Highlights • The strategic research fund plays an important role in extending the impact of doctoral research and building capacity at MSc research level. • This research adds to the body of knowledge on fathers (as a hard-to-reach sample) in child health research.

L-R: James O’Connor (brother), Simone O’Connor, Dr Elaine Lehane, John O’Connor (father)

L-R: Dr Lloyd Philpott and Professor Eileen Savage

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