UCC SONM 25 Year Book

UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery

Research - Building Capacity and Current Status

Dr. Nicola Cornally

Nursing is a relatively new discipline to the University and responsibility for research activity in any University is held by individuals appointed to Lectureship, Senior Lectureship or Professorial positions. In 1994 the number of Lecturers in Nursing in Ireland holding PhDs was very small and there were no Professors of Nursing appointed. In 1994 Professor McCarthy held a PhD from Case Western Reserve University Cleveland USA and as well as establishing the School was responsible for building research capacity. To do this she endeavoured to recruit staff with PhDs but failed to do so.

Dr Brideen Tierney pictured at a research appreciation course in the late 80s

The need for a research agenda for nursing and midwifery had been recognised as necessary for many years by visionary members of the profession who endeavoured to advance research and evidence- based practice.

The need for a research agenda for nursing and midwifery had been recognised as necessary for many years by visionary members of the profession who endeavoured to advance research and evidence-based practice. The history and influences of the Irish Nurses Research Interest (INRIG) group established in the late 1970s has been written (McCarthy and Lehane, 2005). It illustrated how nurses in the 70’s endeavoured to create a research culture and change practice drawing upon experiences in the UK and US predominantly. Research appreciation courses were conducted by An Bord Altranais in Cork and elsewhere the late 1980 and led by a Research Officer Brideen Tierney.


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