UCC SONM 25 Year Book
UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery
A policy of staff supports to pursue higher level degrees was implemented and Masters Degrees (taught and by research) and a PhD programme were introduced.
The Commission on Nursing (Government of Ireland, 1998) recommended the Minister for Health provide for nursing and midwifery research to be funded through the Health Research Board and that a database of research be established. A Research Strategy – Making Knowledge Work for Health (2001, 2002) (Department of Health and Children, 2001), and a Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health 2003) have been published. In 2002 when nurse tutors who were working in the schools of nursing transferred to UCC the majority had not yet completed a Master’s degree which was a requirement for transfer. Just 2 academic staff had PhD level education (G McCarthy and J Hegarty). Thus, a difficult period followed with staff required to teach as well as to continue their education to at least Masters level. A policy of staff supports to pursue higher level degrees was implemented and Masters Degrees (taught and by research) and a PhD programme were introduced. Staff members registered in diverse locations to undergo PhD level education for example, Eileen Savage focusing on children’s health registered in the University of Manchester and Harry Gijbels focusing on mental health registered at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Staff members received research funding through the scheme established by the HRB and based on the Commission’s recommendation. Thus, research started to develop within the school. As soon as possible staff with PhDs undertook the supervision of School staff. Patricia Leahy Warren was the first student to complete an MSc by Research and a PhD her work focused on First Time Mothers: Social Support, Maternal Parental Self-Efficacy andPostnatal Depression.
First MSc Research Patricia Leahy-Warren with Professor Geraldine McCarthy and Dr. Eileen Savage , 2001
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