School of Nursing and Midwifery UCC Annual Report 2020 revis

Teaching, Contribution to Community and Practice, Awards

eHealth/digital health/informatics in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

INTERNATIONALLY: Internationally, the Five Country Digital Nursing and Midwifery Leadership Group (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, ROI) focuses on leadership and roles, nursing and midwifery capabilities, digital evidence base, data for improvement, digital citizen enablement, digital standards and governance. At the time of writing, the DNLG in collaboration with the ONMSD recently published a systematic review, and key considerations of the terminologies and standardised languages used in Nursing and Midwifery.

According to Sláintecare Ireland (2017) “eHealth is the critical enabler to implement the change required to deliver an integrated, universal, high quality health system”, p 103 . The School of Nursing and Midwifery offers a growing suite of programmes on ehealth/digital health/informatics to undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and midwifery students. The School Nursing and Midwifery also directly contributes to ehealth developments for nurses and midwives nationally and internationally. NATIONALLY: In collaboration with the Office of the Nursing & Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD), HSE , the SONM directly contributes to how Ireland is professionally developing nurses and midwives ehealth direction and capabilities. Dr Sile Creedon represents the HEIs (Higher Educational Institutes of Ireland) on the ONMSD National Advisory Group, and chairs the ONMSD Digital Health Capability Framework Group. At the time of writing, two reports have been published. HISI (Health Informatics Society of Ireland) is the health informatics society in Ireland. The focus of HISINM (Health Informatics Society of Ireland Nurses and Midwives group) is on shaping next generation computing and ensuring national and local IT programmes are fit for purpose and maximize patient safety. Dr Creedon is the South of Ireland co-ordinator.

Dr Creedon represents the Republic of Ireland’s academic nursing/ midwifery perspective on this group.

TIGER (Technology Informatics Guiding Educational Reform) is a global organization concerned with developing international digital health strategies, standards, education and practice. It has 28 member countries. Dr Creedon is chairperson of the International Leaders Group.

Lead Researcher and Team: Dr Sile Creedon

eHealth is a growing area in healthcare delivery. SONM is addressing the need for education of nurses and midwives and contributes nationally and internationally to how ehealth is being developed.


Selected References, Link, Website: Slaintecare Report: futureofhealthcare/oireachtas-committee-on-the-future-of-healthcare-slaintecare- report-300517.pdf ONMSD:

midwifery-2019-2024.pdf HISI:






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