Scholarly Impact Report 2023


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School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC to lead Major Study to improve Support for Breastfeeding. A major study to prioritise breastfeeding as a public health issue has been awarded €2.5 million funding from the Health Research Board (HRB). The first-of-its-kind study will investigate and influence a cultural shift towards valuing breastfeeding as one of the most effective ways to ensure child and maternal health. Led by the UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery, the international study aims to bridge the gap between the increased evidence on the value of breastfeeding and the implementation of effective actions needed to support breastfeeding for women. The World Health Organisation recommends that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development, and health. Ireland has the lowest breastfeeding initiation rate amongst high-income OECD countries. In terms of international breastfeeding trends Ireland is ranked 10th in Europe and 57th in the world. The UCC study aims to elevate the importance of breastfeeding as a public health issue and influence sustainable changes to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. It will investigate the barriers - practical, societal, and cultural – that prevent women from breastfeeding. UCC researchers will collaborate with women, families, healthcare professionals, healthcare systems and community groups to prioritise women-centred breastfeeding care and support since pregnancy. It aims to improve the breastfeeding education, training, and skills of healthcare professionals.

Lead and Team Members: Professor Patricia Leahy-Warren, Professor of Nursing and Chair of Health Services Research and Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at UCC, will lead the study.

Team members include: Dr Jane Bourke, Health Economist, School of Economics, UCC

Prof Geraldine Boylan, Expert in intervention design, evaluation & quantitative data analysis, UCC Ms Carmel Buckley, Area Director Nursing & Midwifery Planning & Development, HSE South, Professor Molly Byrne, Researcher expert, University of Galway Dr Simon Cameron, Human milk composition, microbiome, and PPI in research, QUB. Ms Angela Dunne, Clinical lead National Women’s and Infants Health Programme, HSE Dr Aoife Fleming, Vice Head for Interprofessional Learning in the CoMH, UCC Prof Patricia Kearney, Expert in clinical trials and in maternal and infant health research, UCC Dr Elaine Lehane, Expert in implementations science research/IKT/Methods research, UCC Dr Karen Matvienko-Sikar, Researcher expert, IKT expertise, UCC Dr Helen Mulcahy, Expert in qualitative methodology and implementation science research, UCC Dr Margaret Murphy, Breastfeeding Lactation Consultant and educator, UCC Prof Bridie O Sullivan, Chief Director of Nursing and Midwifery for the South/South West HG Ms Sandra O’Connor, Director of Midwifery, University Hospital Kerry Ms Anne Pardy, Programme Manager, National Healthy Childhood Programme, HSE Collaborators: Dr Jennifer Hanratty & Máire Brophy, Centre for Effective Services, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin Ms Laura McHugh, National Breastfeeding coordinator, HSE Ms Marian Quinn, Childhood Development Initiative, Fettercairn, Dublin Ms Gillian Weaver, Human Milk Foundation, Rothamsted Institute, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ, UK Dr Catherine Buckley, Facilitator, Northridge House Education & Research Centre, Cork Ms Siobhan Ward, PPI, La Leche League of Ireland Ms Emma Reilly, Child Health Programme Development Officer, Tallaght, Dublin

From Left: Dr Aoife Flemming; Dr Helen Mulcahy, Professor Patricia Leahy-Warren, Dr Elaine Lehane, Dr Margaret Murphy

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