Scholarly Impact Report 2023
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School Hosts Two Successful Research Student Away Days
Around 40 Research Students and Supervisors attended and presented at the second Research Student Away Day of the year on the 30th of November 2023 from 9:00 to 13:00 in the North Wing Council Room at UCC. The away day presentations and topics were based on student needs. The day included a number of networking opportunities as well as stimulating presentations on innovation and entrepreneurship, co-design as a methodological approach, and tips when searching the literature. This event also comprised student presentations on grey literature searching, retrospective chart review, and conducting a meta-synthesis using a meta-ethnographic approach. Based on a recent needs assessment, the number of Research Student Away Days will be increased from two to three per year. The next away day will take place in February 2024 and will be co-hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Organisers: Dr Mohamad Saab (Director of Graduate Studies) and Ms Laura Leahy (Senior Executive Assistant [Research and Graduate Studies])
Yet another successful Research Student Away Day took place Thursday May 25, 2023, in the North Wing Council Room in University College Cork. Around 40 students, supervisors, and guest speakers spoke about various aspects of research, from ethical and regulatory affairs to implementation science, knowledge translation, experiences of completing doctoral studies, and tips and tricks for undertaking a PhD by publication. Student presentations addressed topical methodological matters including the use of innovative methods to synthesise findings from systematic reviews, mixed methods systematic reviews, and ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research. The School would like to acknowledge Dr Mohamad Saab (Director of Graduate Studies) and Ms. Laura Leahy (Senior Executive Assistant Research and Graduate Studies) for organising the event; session chairs Dr Irene Hartigan, Professor Corina Naughton, and Dr Helen Mulcahy; presenters Dr Muiris Dowling, Dr Rachel Flynn, Dr Martin Duignan; doctoral students Nuala Walshe, Liz Greene, Margaret Conway, and Stephanie Lawrence; and all the supervisors who contributed to the troubleshooting session.
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