UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 2019
Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC
attitudes: The impact of Expert by Experience involvement in Mental Health Nursing Education: An international survey study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing , 28(2), 480–491. https://doi-org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/inm.12551 30. Happell, B., Waks, S., Bocking, J., Horgan, A. et al (2019) ‘There’s more to a person than what’s in front of you”: nursing students’ experiences of consumer taught mental health education’. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 31. Happell, B., Waks, S., Bocking, J., Horgan, A. et al (2019) ‘Nursing student attitudes to people labelled with ‘mental illness’ and consumer participation: A survey-based analysis of findings and psychometric properties’. Nurse Education Today , 76 :89-95 32. Happell B., Waks S., Bocking J., Horgan A., Manning F., Greaney S., Goodwin J., Scholz B., van der Vaart K.J., Allon J., Hals E., Granerud A., Doody R., MacGabhann L., Russell S., Griffin M., Lahti M., Ellilä H., Pulli J., Vatula A., Platania-Phung C., Bjornsson, E. & Biering, P. (2019). “I felt some prejudice in the back of my head”: Nursing students’ perspectives on learning about mental health from “Experts by Experience” Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing https://doi.org/10.1111/jpm.12540 33. Happell, B., Waks, S., Horgan, A., Greaney, S., Bocking, J., Manning, F., ... & Hals, E. (2019). Expert by Experience Involvement in Mental Health Nursing Education: Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Potential Improvements. Issues in mental health nursing , 1-8. 34. Happell, B., Platania, P. C., Scholz, B., Bocking, J., Horgan, A., Manning, F., Doody, R., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Jan van der Vaart, K., Allon, J., Lahti, M., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Ellilä, H., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Bjornsson, E., & Biering, P. (2019). Assessment of the Opening Minds Scale for use with nursing students. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care , 55(4), 661–666. https:// doi-org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/ppc.12393 35. Happell, B., Waks, S., Bocking, J., Horgan, A., Manning, F., Greaney, S., Goodwin, J., Scholz, B., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Doody, R., Chan, S. W.-C., Lahti, M., Ellilä, H., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Platania-Phung, C., … Biering, P. (2019). “But I’m not going to be a mental health nurse”: nursing students’ perceptions of the influence of experts by experience on
their attitudes to mental health nursing. Journal of Mental Health (Abingdon, England), 1–8. https://doi-org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/10.108 0/09638237.2019.1677872 36. Hegarty, J., S. Murphy, S. Creedon, T. Wills, E. Savage, F. Barry, M. Smiddy, A. Coffey, A. Burton and D. O’Brien (2019). “Leadership perspective on the implementation of guidelines on healthcare- associated infections.” BMJ Leader. 3: 43-51. http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/leader-2018-000111 37. Hegarty, J., Howson, V., Wills, T., Creedon, S. A., Mc Cluskey, P., Lane, A., Connolly, A., Walshe, N., Noonan, B., Guidera, F., Gallagher, A. G., & Murphy, S. (2019). Acute surgical wound- dressing procedure: Description of the steps involved in the development and validation of an observational metric. International Wound Journal , 16(3), 641–648. https://doi-org.ucc. idm.oclc.org/10.1111/iwj.13072 38. Horgan, A., Manning, F., Donovan, M. O., Doody, R., Savage, E., Bradley, S. K., Dorrity, C., O’Sullivan, H., Goodwin, J., Greaney, S., Biering, P., Bjornsson, E., Bocking, J., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Griffin, M., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Granerud, A., … 39. Happell, B. (2020). Expert by experience involvement in mental health nursing education: The co-production of standards between Experts by Experience and academics in mental health nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing . https://doi-org. ucc.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/jpm.12605 40. Kelleher, A. B., Sweeney, C., Foley, T., Hally, R. M., Meehan, E., Savage, E., Korn, B., & Cornally, N. (2019). An e-Delphi Study to Identify Priority Areas for Education on Advance Care Planning in COPD Management. Respiratory Care. 41. Kennedy, C. , O’Reilly, P., Casey, M. , Rohde, D. , Brady, A. , Fealy, G. , Hegarty, J. , McNamara, M., Nicholson, E. , O’Connell, R., O’Connor, L. , O’Leary, D. ,and Stokes, D. (2019) Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policy making and analysis in health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing DOI: 10.1111/jan.14121 42. Kilty, C., Naughton, C. and de Roiste, A., 2019. Constraints and ethical tensions in the area of young-onset dementia. British Journal of Nursing , 28 (21), pp.1380-1386.
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