UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 2019
Translating Evidence & Innovation for Health
Minister for Health Simon Harris, T.D. Launched the National Cancer Survivorship Needs Assessment, ‘Living with and Beyond Cancer in Ireland’ on the 19th August 2019
The Needs Assessment outlines the key challenges involved and actions to be undertaken to better address the needs of cancer patients and their families. Three supporting pieces of research helped to inform the content of the Needs Assessment and the author of each provided an overview of their work as part of the launch: Dr Peter Barrett spoke to “Survivorship after Childhood Cancer: Health Needs Assessment 2018”; Professor Josephine Hegarty addressed the Acute Sector Cancer Survivorship Services in the Irish Context” which was co-authored by the ECASP group; Dr Conan Donnelly addressed the “Irish Cancer Society and the National Cancer Registry of Ireland – The Unmet Needs of Cancer Survivors in Ireland: A Scoping Review 2019”. The Team: Josephine Hegarty, Ashling Murphy, Terry Hanan (NCCP), Mairin O’ Mahony, Margaret Landers, Bridie McCarthy, Elaine Lehane, Brendan Noonan, Serena Fitzgerald, Mary Reidy (WIT), Mohamad Saab, Mark Corrigan (CUH), Louise Mullen (NCCP). References: Hegarty J, Murphy A, Hanan T, O’ Mahony M, Landers M, McCarthy B, Lehane E, Noonan B, Fitzgerald S, Reidy M, Saab MM, Corrigan M, Mullen L (2018) Acute Sector Cancer Survivorship Services in the Irish Context. National Cancer Control Programme; Dublin. The reports are accessible at: www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/5/cancer/profinfo/survivorship- programme/needs%20assessment.html Acute sector cancer survivorship services in the Irish context: A mixed methods scoping study. 2018. National Cancer Control Programme: Dublin.
Pictured above: Dr Conan Donnelly (NCRI), Prof Josephine Hegarty (UCC), Dr Louise Mullen (NCCP), Terry Hanan (NCCP), Dr Peter Barrett (UCC and NCCP)
The National cancer survivorship needs assessment is a recommendation of the 2017-2026 National Cancer Strategy. This will establish a baseline assessment of services available to cancer survivors and recommend models of care for future development The Needs Assessment provides data on the current situation for cancer survivors, cancer health care professionals and details the services in Ireland. It also provides a roadmap of actions that will help to develop cancer survivorship care in the lifetime of the National Cancer Strategy and beyond
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