UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 2019
Translating Evidence & Innovation for Health
Workshop focused on Hospital Associated Decline: Eat, Walk, Engage, Prevention & Management on 20th May 2019
Hospital associated decline is an under recognised Hospital Associated Complication (HAC) that adversely impacts the recovery potential of older people admitted to acute care settings. At this workshop, there was an opportunity to discuss innovative research on how to prevent and reduce Hospital Associated Decline. HAC refers to a patient complication for which clinical risk mitigation strategies exist and can in this case and should be implemented.
The Team: Professor Corina Naughton (Lead Researcher) and gerontological nursing team.
Over 120 nurses and allied health professionals attended from acute, community and social care. Professor Alison Mudge (Brisbane, Australia) presented on an evidence-based intervention Eat, Walk, Engage to reduce the risk of hospital associated decline. The essential element centre on embedding opportunities to enhance nutrition, increasing mobilisation and positive cognitive engagement for older patients during hospitalisation. The intervention demonstrated significant reduction in delirium during hospitalisation Professor Roman Romero-Ortuno (Trinity College) and Peter Hartley (University of Cambridge) describe the heterogeneity functional trajectory of older adults admitted to acute care hospitals, but 10% of patients experienced a reduction in knee extension (muscle strength) during hospital admission
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