UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 2019

Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Textbook authored by staff from the School of Nursing and Midwifery achieves success in prestigious award

The American Journal of Nursing (AJN) announced the winners of its annual AJN Book of the Year Awards, honouring the most valuable texts of 2018 in nursing publishing https://journals.lww.com/ajnonline/Pages/articleviewer. aspx?year=2019&issue=01000&article=00026&type=Fulltext

Mulcahy H., Leahy-Warren P. Day MR (2017) Chapter 13. Health and social care professionals’’ perspectives of self-neglect. In Day, M.R., McCarthy, G. & Fitzpatrick, J. J. Eds: (2017) Self-Neglect in The Book: Older Adults A Global, Evidence-Based Resource for Nurses and Other Health Care Providers. Springer Publishing, New York. Pp. 163-174 available at: www.bookdepository.com/Self-Neglect-in-Older-Adults-Mary-Rose- Day/9780826140821?redirected=true&utm_medium=Google&utm_ campaign=Base4&utm_source=IE&utm_content=Self-Neglect- in-Older-Adults&selectCurrency=EUR&w=AFFPAU9SH8YZQK A80393&pdg=pla-104399445939:kwd-104399445939:cmp- 711089934:adg-37476253379:crv-163904732377:pid- 9780826140821:dev-c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI65P1sMfb3wIVyr_ tCh1HXQOuEAYYASABEgI9AfD_BwE

The textbook won third place in Gerontolgical Nursing category.

The Team: The textbook features contributions from Dr Mary Rose Day, Professor Geraldine McCarthy, Dr Joan McCarthy, Dr Patricia Leahy-Warren and Dr Helen Mulcahy from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC SELECTED REFERENCES Day MR McCarthy G. and Fitzpatrick JJ. Editors (2017) Self-Neglect in Older Adults: A Global, Evidence-Based Resource for Nurses and Other Health Care Providers Edited by New York City, Springer Publishing Company


This textbook is an evidence based resource on self-neglect for health care providers The textbook has won a prestigious international prize

Textbook cover





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