UCC SONM 25 Year Book

UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery

Review of the School by Professor Kershaw

Therewas some concern that Nursingwas developing too fast inUCC thus the Registrar Professor Aiden Moran in 1999 requested a sub-committee of the Academic Planning and Development committee of UCC (including an external evaluator, Professor Betty Hershaw, Manchester University), to report to Academic Council on the development of nursing education within UCC. Recommendations were positive and a formal Department of Nursing Studies (re named School of Nursing and Midwifery in 2002) was established, within the Faculty of Medicine (now known as the College of Medicine and Health). Since its inception, the School has undergone considerable expansion to include notable increases in the numbers of academic programmes offered, staff employed and number of students registered on programmes as illustrated in this section. 

These two pictures illustrate teaching and learning with large and small groups.


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