UCC SONM 25 Year Book
UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery
Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., Bruyneel, L., Van den Heede, K., Griffiths, P., Busse, R., Diomidous, M., Kinnunen, J., Kózka, M., Lesaffre, E., McHugh, M., Moreno-Casbas, M., Rafferty, A.M., Schwendimann, R., Scott, A., Tishelman, C., van Achterberg, T., Sermeus, W., for the RN4CAST consortium (2014). Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. The Lancet, 383(9931), 1824-1830. An Bord Altranais (1980). Working Party on General Nursing, Dublin: An Bord Altranais An Bord Altranais, Consultative Document on Nurse Education and Training – Interim Report. Dublin 1991 An Bord Altanais (1994) The Future of Nurse Education and training in Ireland, Dublin: An Bord Altranais An Bord Altranais (1997) Continuing Professional education for Nurses in Ireland: Dublin: An Bord Altranais An Bord Altranais (2005). Final Report: An Examination of the Rationale for and the Impact of Maintaining the Five Points of Entry to the Register of Nurses. Dublin: National University of Ireland, University College Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery An Bord Altranais (2005) Requirements and Standards for Public Health Nurse Registration Education programmes (first edition Dublin: An Bord Altranais Andrews, G. J., & Crooks, V. A. (2016). Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place: Taylor & Francis. Begley, C. (1998) Midwives in the Marking: A Longitudinal Study of the Experiences of Student Midwives during their two-year training in Ireland. Brady, D., & Hyde, A. (2002). Certificate-trained staff nurses’ perceptions of the changes in nursing education in Ireland from certificate to diploma level. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 33(5), 231-237.
Brown, Sr. Emmanuel . (1988) A Tale of Two Hospitals (St Finbarr’s and Cork University Hospital). Southern Health Board: Printed by D. & A. O’Leary. Cork Brown, Sr. Emmanuel. (1988) A History of the Mercy Hospital, Mansion of Mercy, Cork: Mercy Order Bolster, Sr. A. Odyssey of Mercy: Catherine McAuley. Cork: Tower Books Bolster, Sr. A. The Lady of the Lamp: The Story of Nurses and Nursing. London: Transworld Publishers Bolster, Sr. A Mercy in Cork 1837-1987 A Sequential Commemoration, Cork: Tower books Bolster, Sr. Angela (Ed) 1979 Catherine McAuley 1778-1978 Bi Centenary Souvenir Book. Dublin: Irish Messenger Publication Borgonova, John, O Mullane Denis, Holland Tim (2013) Prevention is Better than Cure, History of the Cork University Dental School and Hospital (1913-2013) Cork; University Dental School and Hospital, Cork Byrne, A. (1997) Nursing has its own Application System, Countdown to Challenge, the Irish Times, January 13th p.4. Carney, M. (1999), an Analysis of the Costing of the Registration/Diploma in Nursing in the Republic of Ireland, Dublin: Department of Finance. Chevasse, J (2000) ”Nursing Education” in J. Robins (ed) Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland in Twentieth Century, Dublin: An Bord Altranais, pp. 197-212 Condell, S (Ed McCarthy, G) (1997) Changes in the professional Role of nurses in Ireland 1980-1997). Dublin: Government Publications Cork Examiner (2007) Mercy University Hospital, March 9th Supplement Bolster, Sr. A (1999) Odyssey of Mercy, Cork: Tower Books.
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