UCC SONM 25 Year Book

UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery

Staff of the School of Nursing and Midwifery 2019 (L-R) Back row: Margaret Curtin, Claire Hayes, Serena Fitzgerald, Nicola Cornally, Angela Flynn, Lloyd Philpott, Peter Kelly, Johnny Goodwin, Eoin Ryan, Tony Archer, Thomas Erlandsson. Siobhan Murphy, Rena Creedon, Margaret Murphy, Felicity Lee, Jonathan Drennan, Selena Eunjon Han, Gretchen Jordaan, Caroline O’ Connor, Colette Finn, Aine Horgan, Irene Hartigan. Sile Creedon, Margaret Landers, Vera McCarthy, Mairin O’ Mahony, Helen Mulcahy, Ashling Murphy, Caroline Egan, Elaine Meehan, Carol Condon, Sean Kelleher, Rhona O’ Connor Aileen Burton, Therese Ahern, Nadia Curran, Maureen O’ Shea, Caroline Kilty, Teresa Wills, Sean McCloskey, Jane O’ Leary, Geri McLoughlin, Anna O’ Leary, Moira O’ Donovan. Patricia Leahy-Warren, Anne Marie Martin, Maria Caples, Josephine Hegarty, Regina Murphy, Eileen Savage, Mohamad Saab, Mohammed Aloyseuf.


It is often said that to be an academic is to have four jobs in one being a teacher and researcher, community outreach worker especially in terms of clinically based professions and an administrator. These roles require many different and evolving competencies. Academic staff in the school have been to the forefront of innovation within the school and it is acknowledged that we are living through a period of unprecedented change in higher education. Concurrently staff in the school have continued to engage in their own professional development over the years with many undertaking leadership courses and teaching and learning postgraduate programmes. A large proportion (81%) of academic staff in the school have now either completed or are undertaking their doctorate.


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