School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018
Staff Publications for 2018
Published Reports
Vermeulen, J., Luyben, A., Jokinen, M., Matintupa, E., O’Connell, R., & Bick, D. (2018). Establishing a Europe-wide foundation for high quality midwifery education: the role of the European Midwives Association (EMA). Midwifery. 64; 128-131. Wallace CA, Pontin D, Dokova K, Mikkonen I, Savage E, Koskinen L. (2018) Developing and translating a new model for teaching empowerment into routine chronic care management: an international patient-centered project. J Patient Exp. 2018 Mar;5(1):34-42. doi: 10.1177/2374373517721516. Epub 2017 Jul 26. White, S., Goodwin, J. & Behan, L. (2018) Nurses’ Use of Appropriate Needle Sizes When Administering Intramuscular Injections. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 49(11), 519-525. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20181017-09 Wiese, A., Kilty, C., and Bennett, D. (2018) Supervised workplace learning in postgraduate training: A realist synthesis. Medical Education 52(9):951- 969
Buckley L, Curtin M (2018) ‘We Grew It Together’ Documenting and Evaluating the Implementation Process of Young Knocknaheeny from January 2015 to December 2017 Coffey, A., Cornally, N., Hegarty, J., O’Caoimh, R., O’Reilly, P., O’Loughlin, C., Drennan, J., Clarke, C., Hartigan. I (2018). Evaluation of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Dementia Adviser Service. handle/10147/623818 Drennan, J., Savage, E., Hegarty, J., Murphy, A., Brady N. M., Howson, V., Gilligan, D., Dahly, D., Griffiths, P., Ball, J., Duffield, C. & Scott, A. (2018). Evaluation of the ‘Pilot Implementation of the Framework for Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill-Mix’, Report 3; Pilot Wards. Report for Department of Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC. Holloway, S, Probst S & Murphy S (2018) Preliminary survey results from the UK and Ireland: A European cross-sectional survey to determine the current level of wound management education in the pre-registration nursing curricula. EWMA Journal 19 (2) 83 - 87. ISSN number: 1609-2759 2018 Department of Health - The provision of Baseline Research to inform updates of National Clinical Effectiveness Committee National Clinical Guidelines on Healthcare Associated Infections Josephine Hegarty, Siobhan Murphy, Sile Creedon, Teresa Wills, Eileen Savage, Fiona Barry , Maura Smiddy, Alice Coffey, Aileen Burton, Deirdre O’Brien, Sinead Horgan, Cliodhna Ni Bhuachalla, Cathal Breenan, Jonathan Drennan Leahy-Warren, P., O’Connell, R., Corcoran, P., O’Connor, M., Mulcahy, H (2018) Women’s Experience of Maternity Care in the South /South West Hospital Group. School of Nursing & Midwifery: University College Cork Bradley, S., Donohoe, P., O’Shea, M., Queen, K., Goodwin, J. & Horgan, A. (2018). Bullying in Schools: An Evaluation of the Use of Drama in Bullying Prevention. Cork: Cyclone Rep. Hegarty, J., Murphy, A., Mullen, L., Hanan, T., O Mahony, M., Landers, M., McCarthy,B., Lehane, E., Noonan, B., FitzGerald, S., Reidy, M., Saab, M., Corrigan, M. (2018) National Cancer Survivorship Needs Assessment: Research to Scope out and Map Cancer Survivorship Services in the Irish Context. National Cancer Control Programme. Health Service Executive: Dublin. Unpublished Reports
Cochrane Review
Wojcieszek AM, Shepherd E, Middleton P, Lassi ZS, Wilson T, Murphy MM, Heazell AEP, Ellwood DA, Silver RM, Flenady V. (2018) Care prior to and during subsequent pregnancies following stillbirth for improving outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD012203. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012203.pub2.
Systematic Review Protocol
Saab, M. M., Davoren, M., Murphy, A., Murphy, D., Cooke, E., Landers, M., Fitzgerald, S., Richardson, N., Rovito, M., von Wagner, C., Murphy, M., Dahly D., & Hegarty, J. (2018). Promoting men’s awareness, self- examination, and help-seeking for testicular disorders: a systematic review of interventions. PROSPERO, Protocol Registration Number CRD42018093671. php?ID=CRD42018093671 Walshe N, Crowley C, O’ Brien S, Hegarty J. A systematic review of the effectiveness of educational interventions designed to enhance health care professionals’ situation awareness. . PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018085854 Available from: display_record.php?ID=CRD42018085854
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