School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018

Partnerships and Engagement with Community Groups

Partnerships and Engagement with Community Groups

Nurture SONM-UCC is contributing to Ireland’s child health policy through external engagement consultancy and research with the Nurture - National Healthy Childhood Programme. This work involves designing and developing a comprehensive suite of training resources for healthcare professionals delivering child health services. These high standard, evidence based educational materials assist in the primary and secondary prevention of childhood problems and reduce health inequalities. programmes/child-health-and-wellbeing/ Critical Voices Network Ireland (CVNI) SONM-UCC in collaboration with Applied Social Studies- UCC organises the annual CVNI conference for people from diverse backgrounds (people with self experience, carers, professionals, academics and interested others) who want an Irish mental health system which is not based on the traditional bio-medical model. This network provides an opportunity to share, discuss and debate critical perspectives on and beyond recovery. The network conference is now considered one of the most significant events of its kind, nationally and internationally, to debate and promote diverse perspectives in mental health thinking and practice.

Engage Interdisciplinary Clinical Mental Health Research Network SONM-UCC is a founding member of Mental Health Research Network, an intersectorial, interdisciplinary strategic partnership, to promote excellence in mental health research. The network is based on principles of inclusivity, valuing diversity and partnership across communities and services. ENGAGE involves working with service users, community bodies, clinicians and the general public in addressing how research can be generated, discussed and applied to address the key challenges in society related to mental health and wellbeing. health-research-network-.html Young Knocknaheeny (YK) SONM-UCC with representation on the Board of Management is a partner in YK - an interagency collaboration aiming to reduce child poverty and enhancing child development through an innovative whole community prevention and early intervention approach. Capacity building and systems change are integral to its implementation. The YK programme is underpinned by an innovative Infant Mental Health framework.





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