School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018

Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Impact Stories: The Broader Context

The “Dichotomy of Athena SWAN in Nursing and Midwifery” Workshop

The Story: The full-day workshop took place on September 28th and was organised by the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast. The workshop was attended by delegates from Ireland and the UK and encompassed three key sessions. The morning session addressed challenges influencing gender equality in nursing, such as the under-representation of men in nursing, the impact of motherhood and maternal leave on nurses’ career, and gender stereotyping. During the second session, the Athena SWAN Equality Charter Adviser went over the requirements for the award application, shared a number of samples of successful applications, and provided tips on how to write a successful application. After which, presenters from various universities shared their experiences of applying for and obtaining the Athena SWAN Bronze and Silver Awards. The final session included examples of innovative action plans taken by two universities in order to advance from Bronze to Silver and Gold Awards e.g. campaigns in schools in order to attract more male nursing students. Each of the three sessions was followed by thought-provoking discussions and a series of questions and answers. This workshop was of great benefit to the delegates from the UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery, who are currently working on the application for the Departmental

Bronze Award, which will be submitted in November 2019. If successful, this award will encourage and recognise the School’s commitment to addressing and ensuring gender equality among its staff as well as students.

The Team: Dr Aine Horgan (Chair), Dr Mohamad Saab, Dr Angela Flynn, Dr Vera McCarthy, and Dr Noeleen Brady attended a workshop entitled: “The Dichotomy of Athena SWAN in Nursing and Midwifery.”

Pictured right (l-r): Dr Mohamad Saab, Dr Angela Flynn, Dr Aine Horgan (Chair), Dr Noeleen Brady, and DR Vera McCarthy.





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