School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018

Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Co-production of research and education between academics and experts by experience allows for the hierarchy of knowledge development to be challenged. The delivery of mental health education by experts by experience can lead to increased recovery literacy, development of self-awareness and reduction in stigmatising attitudes toward those experiencing mental distress in students.


Selected References:

Horgan, A., Manning, F., Bocking, J., Happell, B., Lahti, M., Doody,R., Griffin,M., Bradley, S., Russell,S., Bjornsson, E., O’Donovan, M., MacGabhann,L., Savage, E., Pulli,J., Goodwin,J., van der Vaart, K., O’Sullivan, H., Dorrity, C., Ellila, H., Allon, J., Hals, E., Sitvast, J., Granerud, A., & Biering, P. (2018). To be treated as a human’: Using co-production to explore experts by experience involvement in mental health nursing education – The COMMUNE project. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing doi: 10.1111/inm.12435 Happell, B., Platania-Phung, C., Scholz, B., Bocking, J., Horgan, A., Manning, F., Doody, R., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Lahti, M., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Koski, J., van der Vaart, K J., Allon, J., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabban, L., Bjornsson, E., Beiring, P. (2018). Nursing students’ attitudes toward people with diagnosed with mental illness and mental health nursing: An international project from Europe and Australia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing Happell, B., Platania-Phung, C., Scholz, B., Bocking, J., Horgan, A., Manning, F., Doody, R., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Lahti, M., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Koski, J., van der Vaart, K J., Allon, J., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabban, L., Bjornsson, E., Beiring, P. (2018). Changing attitudes: The impact of Expert by Experience involvement in Mental Health Nursing Education: An international survey study. International Journal of Mental health Nursing doi: 10.1111/inm.12551 Happell, B., Platania-Phung, C., Scholz, B., Bocking, J., Horgan, A., Manning, F., Doody, R., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Lahti, M., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Koski, J., van der Vaart, K J., Allon, J., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabban, L., Bjornsson, E., Beiring, P. (2019). Nursing student attitudes to people labelled with ‘mental illness’ and consumer participation: a survey-based analysis of findings and psychometric properties. Nurse Education Today (in press)

Above: Commune Partners visiting University College Cork.





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