School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018

Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Independent Evaluation of National Dementia Strategy and the National Dementia Strategy Implementation Plan Project commissioned by the National Dementia Office-Health Service Executive

The Story: The Irish National Dementia Strategy was launched in December 2014, which aimed to have a lasting and life-changing impact for people with dementia and their families. Significant investment from Atlantic Philanthropies, Dept of Health and the Health Service Executive supported the implementation of the strategy. In September 2018, University College Cork and a market research company, IPSOS Mori, were commissioned to evaluate the National Dementia Strategy (NDS) and the National Dementia Strategy Implementation Plan (NDSIP). A theory driven evaluation approach incorporating a realistic framework was conducted to evaluate the NDS and NDSIP. To achieve the tender objectives and inform the evaluation theory, there were a number of phases to the evaluation process, which entailed a modified multi vocal literature review, key informant interviews, survey questionnaire, multiple embedded case studies and synthesis of context -mechanism-outcome data. This multi- level mixed method evaluation was conducted over 1 year which necessitated over 50 hours of qualitative data and completion of over 600 surveys by key stakeholders (people living with dementia, carers, health and social care professionals, representatives of not for profit organisations). The multiple embedded case studies facilitated spotlighting care provisions nationally and this provided insight with regard to the implementation of the NDS in different regions. The project team have developed a theory to support the evaluation and this is the first of its kind for strategy evaluation

in Ireland. Key learnings from the implementation of the NDS and theory formation are also described. Six broad outcomes have emerged from the report and key health and social care recommendations are provided to demonstrate that Ireland is leading the way in improving life for people living with dementia and their families. The final report is due for April 2019. The Team: Dr Irene Hartigan & Dr Nicola Cornally (Lead Researchers), O’Philbin, L., O’Caoimh, R., O’Connor, K., Drennan, J., Coffey, A., Buckley, C., Naughton, C. O’Regan, N., Rooney, F., Clarke, K. External advisers: Professor Kevin Brazil, Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation, Queens University and Professor Jenny van der Steen University Medical Center, Leiden, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

This evaluation describes the landscape and impact of the national dementia strategy in Ireland. The development of a programme theory as part of this work will help to guide future policy and practice, directing and upscaling intitiaves that are known to work well and are impactful.







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