UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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Breaking Barriers: An Innovative and Creative PPI Workshop to include People with Intellectual Disability as Co-Designers On June 1 st 2022, a roleplay workshop was held in the Clinical Skills Simulation Resource Centre to identify supports people with intellectual disability may need when attending routine health checks. The workshop was organised by Ms. Sile Divane (CNS-Communication) and Dr. Anne-Marie Martin (Lecturer) as part of a collaborative Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) project involving the School of Nursing and Midwifery and COPE Foundation. PPI co-designers, lecturers and undergraduate students participated including Ms. Sandra Twomey, Ms. Lucia O’Neill, Mr. Joe McCarthy, Ms. Lisa Lynch, Dr. Maria Caples, Ms. Caroline Egan, Ms. Aisling Cambridge Ms. Sharon O’Connor and Ms. Taylor Conway. We identified what worked well, not so well or what we wondered about as we moved through the role play. Everyone had great fun learning from each other. The roleplay involved checking in at reception, participating in a health check, exploring and learning about medical equipment e.g., different thermometers, sphygmomanometers and stethoscopes. Ms. Aisling Cambridge and Ms. Sharon O’Connor, 4 th year BSc Nursing (Intellectual Disability) students demonstrated urinalysis to understand why urine might be tested and what the tests can tell us. Ms Caroline Egan, Lecturer, demonstrated venepuncture to learn what to expect during the procedure, why it is done and what blood tests might tell us about how our body is working. This fun, active and practical session facilitated the identification of issues health professionals and people with intellectual disability encounter during health checks. It facilitated and enabled inclusion and participation of people with intellectual disability in PPI research and activity. Lead: Ms. Sile Divane and Dr. Anne-Marie Martin

Highlights • PPI is invaluable to the identification of supports for people with an intellectual disability attending health checks. • Collaborative workshops enhance the learning for all.

Team Members: Ms. Sandra Twomey, Ms. Lucia O’Neill, Mr. Joe McCarthy, Ms. Lisa Lynch, Dr. Maria Caples, Ms. Caroline Egan

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