UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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Goodwin, J., Kilty, C. Kelly, P., O’Donovan, A. , White, S., & O’Malley, M. Undergraduate student nurses’ views of online learning. Teaching and Learning in Nursing . DOI 10.1016/j. teln.2022.02.005 Goodwin, J., Savage, E. and O’Donovan, A. “I personally wouldn’t know where to go”: Adolescents’ perceptions of mental health services. Journal of Adolescent Research . DOI: 10.1177/07435584221076056 Goodwin, J. , White, S., O’Malley, M., O’Donovan, A. , Hurley, E., and Kelly, P. (2022). “It’s good to have the knowledge and the confidence behind it”: Internship student mental health nurses’ views of a two-day medication workshop. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 31(4), 1011-1020. DOI: 10.1111/inm.13012 Hanley E., Martin A. M., Dalton C. and Lehane E. (2022) Communication Partners experiences of communicating with adults with severe/profound intellectual disability through Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities . https://doi.org/10.1177/17446295221115914 Hannon, K., Nilsen, A.B.V., Murphy, M. , Eri, T.S., Leahy-Warren, P. , Corcoran, P., Downe, S. and Daly, D., 2022. What women identify as positive aspects and areas for improvement of maternity care and services in Ireland: An online survey. Women and Birth . Happell, B., Gordon, S., Sharrock, J., O’Donovan, A. , & Warner, T. (2022). ‘What’s she doing here?’ overcoming barriers to the implementation of expert by experience positions in academia. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal , doi:10.1111/1440 1630.12832 Happell, B., Donovan, A.O. , Warner, T., Sharrock, J. & Gordon, S. 2022, “Creating or taking opportunity: Strategies for implementing expert by experience positions in mental health academia”, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing , vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 592-602. Happell, B., O’Donovan, A. , Sharrock, J., Warner, T. & Gordon, S. 2022, “Understanding the impact of expert by experience roles in mental health education”, Nurse education today , vol. 111. Happell, B., Warner, T., Waks, S., O’Donovan, A. , Manning, F., Doody, R., . . . Biering, P. (2022). Something special, something unique: Perspectives of experts by experience in mental health nursing education on their contribution. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 29(2), 346-358. doi:10.1111/jpm.12773

Martin A. M. , Andrews T., Goldbart J. and Landers M. (2022) Reconciling communication repertoires: navigating interactions involving persons with severe/profound intellectual disability, a classic grounded theory study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 66(4), 332-352. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12921. Mulcahy Symmons, S., Ryan, K., Aoun, S.M., Selman, L.E., Davies, A.N., Cornally, N. , Lombard, J., McQuilllan, R., Guerin, S., O’Leary, N., Connolly, M., Rabbitte, M., Mockler, D. & Foley, G. 2022, “Decision-making in palliative care: Patient and family caregiver concordance and discordance - Systematic review and narrative synthesis”, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. Mulcahy, H., Philpott, L.F., O’Driscoll, M. , Bradley, R., Leahy-Warren, P ., (2022) Breastfeeding skills training for health care professionals: A systematic review HELIYON , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11747 Mulcahy, H ., Brennan, C., Pardy, A., McCormack, B., & Heslin, J. (2022). Implementing public health nursing training for Ireland’s National Healthy Childhood Programme. Public Health Nursing . 39:839–846 https://doi.org/10.1111/PHN.13049 Mulcahy, H., Leahy-Warren, P. , Laholt, H., Philpott, L. F. , Bergvoll, L.-M., & Clancy, A. (2022). Public health nursing education in Ireland and Norway: A comparative analysis. Public Health Nursing , 39, 279– 285. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13039 Murphy, J., Mulcahy, H., Mahony, J. O. , & Bradley, S. (2022). Exploring individuals’ experiences of hope in mental health recovery: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 00, 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpm.12833 Murphy, M.M. , Dandona, R., Blencowe, H., Quigley, P., Leisher, S.H., Storey, C. and Siassakos, D., 2022. Stillbirth: The Hidden Global Mortality Burden. Systems Thinking for Global Health: How Can Systems-Thinking Contribute to Solving Key Challenges in Global Health? p.360-374 O’Connell, E. , Livingstone, V., McCarthy, G., & Hartigan, I. (2022). Impact of Multimedia Campaigns on Recognition and Response to Stroke. Medical Research Archives , 10(10). O’Connell S, Queally M, Savage E, Murphy DM, Mc Carthy VJC. (2022) Preferences for support in managing symptoms of an asthma flare-up: a pilot study of a discrete choice experiment. J Asthma. Jun 24:1-10. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2054429. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35748303.

Harding, A. J., Doherty, J., Bavelaar, L., Walshe, C., Preston, N., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., van der Steen, J.T, Cornally, N., Hartigan, I .... & Brazil, K. (2022). A family carer decision support intervention for people with advanced dementia residing in a nursing home: a study protocol for an international advance care planning intervention (mySupport study). BMC geriatrics , 22(1), 1-10. Hayes, N. & Naughton, C . 2022, “Developing a competency framework for early career nurses undertaking post-registration education in care for older people”, Nursing older people , vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 20-27. Kelly, P., Hegarty, J. , R., D.K. & O Donovan, A. 2022, “‘They don’t actually join the dots’: An exploration of organizational change in Irish opiate community treatment services”, Journal of substance abuse treatment , vol. 135. Kelly, P., Hegarty , J., Dyer, K. R., & O Donovan, A. (2022). Organizational attributes and client engagement in community opiate substitute prescribing services. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy ,doi:10.1080/09687637.2022.2135425 Kelly, Y., O’Rourke, N., Flynn, R., Hegarty, J. , & O’Connor, L. (2022). Definitions of health and social care standards used internationally: A narrative review. International Journal of Health Planning and Management , doi:10.1002/hpm.3573 Leahy-Warren, P. Elmir, R., Philpott, L., Schmied, V. (2022) Fathers’ perceptions and experiences of support to be a parenting partner during the perinatal period: A scoping review Journal of Clinical Nursing - Wiley Online Library https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jocn.16460 Leahy-Warren, P. , et al.; (2021) Exploring Models of Nursing and Midwifery in the Community: International and National Perspectives. Scientia https://doi.org/10.33548/SCIENTIA684 Loughnan, S.A., Gautam, R., Silverio, S.A., Boyle, F.M., Cassidy, J., Ellwood, D., Homer, C., Horey, D., Leisher, S.H., de Montigny, F., Murphy, M. , and Flenady, V., 2022. Multicountry study protocol of COCOON: Continuing Care in COVID-19 Outbreak global survey of New, expectant, and bereaved parent experiences. BMJ open , 12(9), p.e061550. Martin A. M. and Hanley E. (2022) Listening to People with Severe/Profound Intellectual Disability: A Literature Review of Communication Partner Experiences. LearningDisability Practice (under review).

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