UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023
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UCC Partner Leads meet with mySupport Consortium Partners at the 26 th Nordic Congress of Gerontology The 26 th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (NKG) was held in Odense Denmark on the 8 th -10 th June. Together with their EU colleagues, UCC partner leads, Dr Irene Hartigan and Dr Nicola Cornally, facilitated a symposium at the conference on the mySupport study, an Advance Care Planning intervention aimed at enabling families to engage with nursing home staff in advanced dementia end-of life care conversation. The title of the conference was Change and Continuity, which was pretty apt given the changes in life that we all have experienced over the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided valuable new insights. mySupport symposium was one of forty-four symposia with 4 abstracts from a total 100 oral presentations. Professor Jenny T. van der Steen, Leiden University chaired the symposium session followed by Dr Nicola Cornally who presented an overview of the mySupport intervention and its adaption and implementation across 6 countries. Dr Irene Hartigan presented Remote knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) strategies – engaging staff and families in the mySupport study during COVID-19 on behalf of the Irish team. The EMTReKmodel which is an Evidence-basedModel for the transfer and exchange of Research Knowledge was developed for palliative care and this was fundamental to guiding all knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) during the implementation of the mySupport intervention. Lead and Team Members: Nicola Cornally, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, Cork, Republic of Ireland; IreneHartigan, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UniversityCollegeCork, Cork, Republicof Ireland; Andrew J E Harding, Division of Health Research, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK; Julie Doherty, School
of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, UK; Laura Bavelaar, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; Catherine Walshe Division of Health Research, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK; Nancy Preston, Division of Health Research, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK; Sharon Kaasalainen, School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; Tamara Sussman, School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; Jenny T van der Steen, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; Martin Loucka, Centre for Palliative Care, Prague, Czech Republic; Karolina Vlckova, School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; Paola Di Giulio, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino, Turin, Italy; Silvia Gonella & Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino, Turin, Italy; Kevin Brazil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, UK Reference: • Hartigan, I., McKeon M, Brazil K., Timmons S., Fitzgerald S., Fox S., Foley T., Sweeney C, Buckle C., O Caoimh R., Cornally N. (2022) Remote knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) strategies – engaging staff and families in the mySupport study during COVID-19. 26 th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Denmark, https://www.26nkg.dk/abstract.html
Highlights • This conference, hosted in the hometown of Hans Christian Andersen, added to the magic of meeting with experts who shared similar research interests and potential collaborators. • A highlight symposium was on participatory approaches to research with older adults which demonstrates an inclusive approach to research planning and completion.
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