UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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THEME 1 Ageing Integrated Research Ageing Integrated Research Cluster hosts its Annual Research Conference The Ageing Integrated Research Cluster in the School hosted its annual research conference on the 12th of May 2022. ‘Our Decade of Health Ageing Conference: Integrated Care’ was an exciting and thought-provoking event. Over 130 people logged in and we had over 300 people register for our event. Outline of the day: Our conferencewas very insightfullyopenedbyDr IreneHartigan’s reflections on what ‘A Decade of Health Ageing’ means for older people, the community, society and UN Sustainability Goals. Our international keynote speakers from the University of Kent, Prof Alisoun Milne challenged our views of ‘Carers as partners in integrated care’ and Scotland’s Prof Anne Hendry outlined what we can learn from our European neighbours on designing and scaling integrated care services. We had presentations from PhD students Mary Dunnion (Ulster University), Caroline Egan (UCC) and Anthony Hoey (UCC) on their work on out-of-hours discharge of old people from ED, Shared Decision Making in care transitions and End of Life Care in acute hospitals.

Cutting edge research presentations from: Dr Andrew Darley (UCD) on the co-design of a health and Wellness App for older people, Dr Caroline Kilty (UCC) on the experience of people and families living with Young onset dementia Professor Jonathan Drennan on developing a Safe Staffing Model in Long Term care showcased impactful research making a difference to the lives of people as they navigate their health and social care journey.

Click here to watch a recording of the conference

Website: https://www.ucc.ie/en/nursingmidwifery/ research/ageing/

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