UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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Advanced Nurse Practitioner, supported by School of Nursing and Midwifery, is First Nurse to be awarded Employment-Based PhD Scholarship from College of Medicine and Health Louise Murphy, a Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Rheumatology at Cork University Hospital (CUH), was successful in winning one of five Employment-based PhD Scholarships for Health Science Professionals awarded by the College of Medicine and Health in 2022. Awardees were selected by a panel of assessors according to criteria associated with scientific excellence, impact, the supervisory team, PhD training and supports, and the enthusiasm of the candidate to enhance health research. This scholarship removes the ‘either research or clinical practice’ dichotomy for some of the clinical leaders in our health service and demonstrates how the employer and the College can work together in driving the development of both knowledge and health services. This scholarship allows Louise to continue in clinical practice while pursuing research in collaboration with her employer and under the guidance, support and supervision of her supervisory teamof Dr Patrick Cotter, Dr Nicola Cornally and Dr Mohamad Saab (School of Nursing & Midwifery) and Dr Sheena McHugh (School of Public Health) at UCC. Louise is also supported by her employment-based supervisor/mentor Dr Gráinne Murphy (Consultant Rheumatologist) at CUH. She will develop key knowledge and research skills linked with employer and patient/client needs for a knowledge-based society. Lead and Team Members: Supervisors: Dr Patrick Cotter (Lead Supervisor), Dr Nicola Cornally Dr Mohamad Saab, Dr Sheena McHugh (School of Public Health) Employment based supervisor/mentor: Dr Gráinne Murphy (Consultant Rheumatologist, CUH)

Highlights • Employment-based PhD Scholarship • First Nurse to be awarded one of these scholarships

Dr Irene Hartigan and Dr Helen Lynch pictured above

UCC Research Awards 2021 - Social Research Ethics Committee The UCC Research Awards Programme was established to recognise the extensive contributions made by UCC researchers across all fields of Research and Innovation. They recognise and celebrate those UCC researchers who are making exceptional and influential research contributions, pushing boundaries, enhancing knowledge, and raising the national and international research profile of the University. This year the Social Research Ethics Committee was successful under the “Creating a Culture for Responsible Conduct of Research” category. The awards ceremony was hosted in the Glucksman on Wednesday, June 1 st @ 5.30pm. Representing the School, Dr Vera McCarthy and Dr Irene Hartigan , as members of the Social Research Ethics Committee, received the Research Award together with colleagues from across the University.

Ms Louise Murphy

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