UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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GRADUATIONS: MSc Programmes 2022

MSc Advanced Nursing Practice

Masters in Midwifery

Student Name

Thesis Title

Student Name

Thesis Title

Midwives’ and obstetricians’ views of factors influencing physiological birth in an obstetric-led unit: A Thematic Analysis.

Exploring Clozapine therapy from the service user’s perspective. A qualitative descriptive study.

Foley, Erin Elizabeth

Bracken, Sinead

Development and introduction of a pre-clinic screening, triage system and virtual consultations for patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a nurse led quality improvement project.

Gleeson, Sarah

Narrative Systematic Review of Women’s Experiences of Pregnancy Following an Early Trimester Loss.

Clarke, Sharon

An Evaluation of virtual clinics for Diabetes Mellitus patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lillis, Sinead Claire

Women’s breastfeeding experience during COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review of qualitative studies.

Damiani, Claudia

Health professionals' experiences of the practice of trauma informed care in the community mental health context.

Murphy, Caroline Maria

Midwives’ self-efficacy and educational needs around waterbirth.

Murray, Rayann

An Exploration through Interviews and Drawings of the Experience of Individuals Diagnosed with First Episode Psychosis. Assessment of how patients who receive telemedicine delivered care in a regional Otorhinolaryngology Centre, view this healthcare delivery modality. Clinical Audit of Asthma Management in General Practice: identifying baseline practice and opportunity for improvement.

O Connor, Leona

The impact of shared decision-making on women’s birth experience: A systematic review and thematic synthesis.

O Connor, Roisin

Quinlan, Leah Patricia

Midwives' perceptions of their changing role and practice to provide care for women with complex pregnancy care needs.

O Dwyer, Ciara

Brosnan, Eilish

MSc Advanced Midwifery Practice

Women's experience of nurse-led outpatient hysteroscopy with regard to pain and satisfaction levels.

Gill, Noelle

Student Name

Thesis Title

Quality improvement project using action research to develop vaginal birth after caesarean birth services to promote physiological birth with pregnant women who have experienced one previous caesarean birth.

Implementation of a patient discharge checklist at Mallow Injury Unit: a quality improvement project.

Joann Mallik

Kennedy, Sharon Margaret

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