UCC Nursing & Midwifery Impact Brochure 2023

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Toolkit for Teaching Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to Healthcare Learners - Supporting Teaching and Learning Innovation and Excellence In conjunction with Evidence Based Practice Ireland (EBPI) and the NAJI foundation, our project team developed an online educator ‘toolkit’ which signposts essential learning required to teach evidence-based practice (EBP) and provides curated links to learning activities, resources and examples of good practice which can be adapted for different teaching purposes and in different learning contexts.  This resource consists of two toolkits. The first - ‘Toolkit for Teaching EBP’ - provides resources across all 6 EBP competency domains and is organised into 3 units: (i) ‘Teaching EBP - Perspectives, Fundamentals and Reflections’.  (ii) ‘Structuring yourApproachto EBP Teaching –KeyConsiderations’

Lead : Dr Elaine Lehane Team Members:

and (iii) ‘EBP Teaching & Learning - Core Content, Strategies & Resources’. The second toolkit: ‘Connecting EBP and Shared Decision Making (SDM) for healthcare Learners’ focuses on resources and activities for teaching the ‘Apply’ step and also comprises of 3 content units including: (i) ‘Building Stronger Teaching&LearningConnections - EBPandSDM’ (2) ‘Framingyour teaching approach – points of reference’ and (3) ‘Strengthening Connections - Core Teaching & Learning Content & Resources’.  Incorporatedwithinthetoolkitsareunitspecificlearningoutcomes, ‘pause and reflect’ points, interactive learning activities, ‘link outs’ to relevant EBP resources and signposting of key texts and papers.  It is the intention that this resourcewill contribute to strengthening the capacity for teaching EBP in Ireland and by doing so, it is hoped that today’s users will become future contributors and creators of content to this and other similar resources. 

Dr Catriona Curtin, Professor Patricia Leahy-Warren, Dr Deirdre Bennett, Professor Catherine Blake, Dr Francis Burke, Professor Mark Corrigan, Professor Jonathan Drennan, Dr Martina Hayes, Dr Elizabeth Heffernan, Professor Frances Horgan, Dr Joseph McVeigh, Professor Nicole Müller, Ms. Elizabeth O’ Keeffe, Dr Colm O’ Tuathaigh, Dr Laura Sahm, Professor Josephine Hegarty

Website: The resource is currently hosted on UCC CANVAS (https://ucc.instructure.com/courses/33844) and will move to EBPI website

Highlights • Online and self-directed resource for educators to promote and harmonise teaching of competencies related to evidence-based practice across academic and clinical healthcare settings. • ‘EBP toolkit for teachers’ • ‘Interconnecting Evidence Based Practice and Shared Decision-making – A teacher’s toolkit’

Click here to Visit the website

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