UCC SONM 25 Year Book

UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery

In addition, programmes with clinical components and those leading to registerable qualifications are validated by NMBI for Registration purposes. These are: General Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing, Integrated Children’s/General, Nurse Prescribing, Advanced Practice Nursing, Public Health Nursing and Midwifery. BranchLeadersareinplacetoleadeachoftheseareas.Issuesrelatingtovalidationaremanagedby these individuals. Budgeting From 1994 to 2002 the Head of School and Manager sought to identify the budget of the School. Initially (from 1994 to 1997) there was no budget allocated and in 1997/8 a budget for consumables and equipment was set at £12,000. In 1996 the Department of Health and Children (DoHC) began to directly fund undergraduate nursing education through the Southern Health Board. In 1997 the Department of Finance at UCC was requested to account for finances allocated. The first of the Annual meetings was held with Mr. M Kelleher, Secretary/Bursar in 2000. There was great difficulty in establishing and apportioning costs to the developing Department of Nursing and while some system may have been in place to allocate some financial aid to contributing Department within UCC it was not overt. Further funding became available for post-graduate programmes through the Nursing Planning and Development Unit at the SHB and for programme development posts. An attempt was made (by Head of School and Department Manager) between 1998-2000 to identify the income directly coming from the DoH&C and expenditure (including recoupment of salaries by SHB and UCC with respect to secondments or/for academic staff assimilating). This rudimentary analysis was presented to both the Dean and Mr. Kelleher as was analysis of costs of the Diploma in Nursing and possible balances. Throughout the years 1994 to 2002 financial information on staff salaries, equipment and consumable was sent from the Finance Office for ratification and confirmation. Each spreadsheet was examined, errors were continually found, and corrections sent to the Finance Office and to the Dean.


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