UCC SONM 25 Year Book

UCC / School of Nursing and Midwifery

Physical Facilities Accommodating 200 BSc students a year (totalling approx. 800+ over 4 years of the BSc degree) and other degrees (BSc Nursing Studies for registered nurses) and post graduate students and associated staff was extremely challenging for the University. At the beginning many lectures were accommodated in diverse settings including the Gate Cinema, and SMA Africa Missions, Wilton. The School’s offices were based at five locations in outline regions namely, Roseleigh and Bloomfield Terrace on the Western Road, Cork Enterprise Centre, Crosses Green and a Port-a- cabin at the rear of the Science Building. While all locations were within walking distance of the central administrative office at Roseleigh and the lecture theatres, the diverse locations presented problems for academic staffusingequipmentandalsoaccessingadministrativesupportforwork. With the staff spread over five locations it was difficult to integrate the School as a whole, however all staff dealt with the challenges presented and co-operated in ensuring that the problems did not adversely affect students and the School business. The Department of Health and Children (DoHC) allocated €27m (54% of total cost) to UCC to build a facility in which teaching of nursing could take place and to accommodate lecturing staff. Specific facilities were to be made available for clinical simulation. An additional €10m (28%) was made available from the School of Medicine to accommodate medical


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