School of Nursing and Midwifery Scholarly Impact Report 2021
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51. Saab, M. M., Kilty, C., Meehan, E., Goodwin, J., Connaire, S., Buckley, C., Walsh, A., O’Mahony, J., McCarthy, V. J. & Horgan, A. (2021). Peer group clinical supervision: Qualitative perspectives from nurse supervisees, managers, and supervisors. Collegian. 28(4), 359-368. DOI: 10.1016/j. colegn.2020.11.004 52. Saab, M. M., Landers, M., Egan, S., Murphy, D., & Hegarty, J. (2021). Nurses and Nursing Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding the Use of Technology in Patient Care: A Mixed- Method Systematic Review. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 39(11), 704-713. 53. Saab, M.M., Landers, M., Murphy, D., O’Mahony, B., Cooke, E., O’Driscoll, M. and Hegarty, J., (2021.) Nursing students’ views of using virtual reality in healthcare: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 54. Saab, M. M., Murphy, M., Meehan, E., Dillon, C. B., O’Connell, S., Hegarty, J., Heffernan, S., Greaney, S., Kilty, C., Goodwin, J., Hartigan, I., O’Brien, M., Chambers, C., Twomey, U. & O’Donovan, A. (2021). Suicide and self-harm risk assessment: A systematic review of prospective research. Archives of Suicide Research. DOI:10.1080/13811118.2021.1938321 55. Saab, M.M., Noonan, B., Kilty, C., FitzGerald, S., Collins, A., Lyng, Á., Kennedy, U., O’Brien, M. and Hegarty, J., (2021.) Awareness and help-seeking for early signs and symptoms of lung cancer: A qualitative study with high- risk individuals. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 50, p.101880. 56. Thomson, G., Diop, M.Q., Stuijfzand, S. …Leahy-Warren, P. et al. (2021) Policy, service, and training provision for women following a traumatic birth: an international knowledge mapping exercise. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 1206 https://doi. org/10.1186/s12913-021-07238 57. Timmons, S., O’Loughlin, C., Buckley, C., Cornally, N., Hartigan, I., Lehane, E., Finn, C. and Coffey, A. (2021). Dementia palliative care: A multi-site survey of long term care STAFF’S education needs and readiness to change. Nurse Education in Practice, 52, p.103006. 58. Van Riper, M., Knafl, G.J., Barbieri-Figueiredo, M.D.C., Caples, M., Choi, H., de Graaf, G., Duarte, E.D., Honda, J., Marta, E., Phetrasuwan, S. and Alfieri, S. (2021). Measurement of family management in families of individuals with Down syndrome: A cross-cultural investigation. Journal of Family Nursing, 27(1), pp.8-22.
42. Naughton, C., Simon, R., White, T. J., de Foubert, M., Cummins, H., & Dahly, D. (2021). Mealtime and patient factors associated with meal completion in hospitalised older patients: An exploratory observation study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(19-20), 2935-2947. 43. Nyhan, T. and Howlin, F. (2021). From registered nurse to nursing student-Exploring registered nurses’ transition to nursing student during a post-registration children’s nurse programme: A qualitative descriptive research study. Nurse Education Today, 105, p.105046. 44. O’Connell MA, KhashanAS, Leahy-Warren P, Stewart F, O’Neill SM. (2021) Interventions for fear of childbirth including tocophobia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD013321. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013321. pub2 45. O’Connell, M.A., Khashan, A.S. and Leahy-Warren, P. (2021). Women’s experiences of interventions for fear of childbirth in the perinatal period: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research evidence. Women and Birth, 34(3), pp. e309-e321. 46. O’Connell S, McCarthy VJC, Queally M, Savage E. (2021). The preferences of people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for self-management support: A qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct;30(19-20):2832-2841. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15790. Epub 2021 May 12. PMID: 33982317. 47. O’Reilly, D., Brady, A.M., Bryant‐Lukosius, D., Varley, J., Daly, L., Cotter, P., Elliot, N., Lehane, E., Fleming, S., Savage, E. and Hegarty, J. (2021). Patient‐reported experiences of consultation with an advanced nurse practitioner: Factor structure and reliability analysis of the patient enablement and satisfaction survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(10), pp.4279-4289. 48. Peter, K., Hegarty, J. and Donovan, A.O. (2021) ‘They don’t actually join the dots’: An exploration of organizational change in Irish opiate community treatment services. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, p.108557. 49. Saab, M. M., FitzGerald, S., Noonan, B., Kilty, C., Collins, A., Lyng, Á., ... & Hegarty, J. (2021). Promoting lung cancer awareness, help-seeking and early detection: a systematic review of interventions. Health Promotion International. 50. Saab, M.M., Hegarty, J., Murphy, D. and Landers, M., 2021. Incorporating virtual reality in nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing students’ perspectives. Nurse Education Today, 105, p.105045.
33. Martin, A.M., Divane, S., Twomey, S., O’Neill, L., McCarthy, J., Egan, C., Dalton, C. and Caples, M. (2021). Don’t Mention the Diet! health promotion initiative to support healthy diet and lifestyle decision‐making by people with intellectual disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 49(4), 475- 481. 34. Melhem, O., Savage, E., Al Hmaimat, N., Lehane, E. and Fattah, H.A. (2021). Symptom burden and functional performance in patientswith chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Applied Nursing Research, 62, p.151510. 35. Melhem, O., Savage, E. and Lehane, E. (2021). Symptom burden in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Applied Nursing Research, 57, p.151389. 36. Mulcahy H., Leahy-Warren P., Laholt H., Philpott L. F., Bergvoll L.-M., & Clancy A. (2021). Public health nursing education in Ireland and Norway: A comparative analysis. Public Health Nursing, 00, 1– 7. 37. Mulcahy H, Philpott L F, O’Driscoll M, Bradley R, and Leahy- Warren P (2021) Breastfeeding Skills Training for Health Care Professionals: A Systematic Review. (In press). Available at SSRN: or http://dx.doi. org/10.2139/ssrn.3984081 38. Mulhearne, P., Cotter, P., O’Shea, M. & Leahy-Warren, P. (2021) Experiences of registered general nurses who care for patients presenting with self-harm to the emergency department in Ireland. International Emergency Nursing, 58(12); DOI: 10.1016/j.ienj.2021.101047 39. Mulhearne, P. O’Shea, M., Cotter, P. Leahy-Warren, P. (2021) Exploring the experiences of registered general nurses who care for patients presenting with self-harm in the emergency department. International Emergency Nursing 58, p.101047. https://www.sciencedi rect .com/science/art icle/pi i/ S1755599X21000859?via%3Dihub 40. Murphy, A., Griffiths, P., Duffield, C., Brady, N. M., Scott, A. P., Ball, J., & Drennan, J. (2021). Estimating the economic cost of nurse sensitive adverse events amongst patients in medical and surgical settings. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(8), 3379-3388. 41. Murphy, M., Savage, E., O’Donoghue, K., Leary, J.O. and Leahy-Warren, P. (2021). Trying to conceive: An interpretive phenomenological analysis of couples’ experiences of pregnancy after stillbirth. Women and Birth, 34(5), pp. e 475-e481.
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