School of Nursing and Midwifery Scholarly Impact Report 2021
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Further Conference Presentations
16. Walsh, C., Cotter, P., O’Neill, S., O’Shea, M., McEvoy, R., Hannon, M., Minihane, M. & O’Sullivan, E. (2021) Improving the management of chest pain in the MAU: a quality improvement project. SAM (society for Acute Medicine) Virtual Conference April 28 & 29th 2021
Roisin Bradley (School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork), Helen Mulcahy (presenter) (2021) It’s the birth of his baby too. Women’s perceptions of their partners experiences of maternity care in Ireland. TCD conference Wednesday 10th March 2021 9. Mele, C., Cotter, P. & Campo, T. (2021) Transcending borders, nurse practitioner students exploring best practices in a global classroom. 11th ICN NP/APN Network Conference 2021, 29th August to 1st September, Halifax Nova Scotia (Virtual). 10. Naughton Corina (2021), Implementation of frailty care Bundle in acute care, Oral presentation at virtual Irish Gerontology Society 2021 11. Campbell A., O’Connell R. (2021) Baby’s First Hug: Establishing skin-to-skin contact as a routine practice during caesarean birth using Participatory Action Research. ICM Bali/Online June 2021 12. De Foubert et al, Optimising mobility in frail older adults on an orthopaedic trauma floor poster presentation, European Geriatric Medicine Society 2021 13. FitzGerald S., Just D., McCann A., Di Sante E., Bavelaar L., Nicula M., Gonella S., Harding A., O’ Connell S., Vlckova K., Fox S. (2021). Development of an Early Career Research Committee and Online Mentorship Programme as part of the mySupport Study. European Association of Palliative Care 6-8 October (Virtual) 14. Monis, M. O’Connell, R., Andrews T. (2020) ‘Mentalizing possibilities’: A Grounded theory of women’s decision making of their birth choices in pregnancy following a previous Caesarean Section (CS) 5th International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference Hyderabad, India 2nd -3rd December. + ICM 2021 15. O’Connell,Selena., Irene Hartigan, Dominika Lisiecka, Suzanne Timmons, Serena Fitzgerald, Siobhan Fox, Tony Foley, Catherine Sweeney, Catherine Buckley, Rónán O’Caoimh, Laura Bavelaar, Jenny T. van der Steen, Kevin Brazil, Nicola Cornally (2021). Adapting a Comfort Care Booklet for the Irish nursing home context as part of staff and family caregiver educational intervention across six countries UCC School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Research Conference 2021 on February 4th. Poster Presentations
1. Campo, T., Cotter, P. & Hoyt, S. (2021) North, South, East and West: Advanced Practice Nursing in Emergency Care – Past to Future,. 11th ICN NP/APN Network Conference 2021, 29th August to 1st September, Halifax Nova Scotia (Virtual). 2. Connolly, C & Cotter, P. (2021) Umbrella Review: Effectiveness of nurse led clinics internationally on patient outcomes, satisfaction and access to services across community and tertiary outpatient setting. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): ‘Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working’. 3. Cornally, N., Kilty, C. Buckley, C., O’Caoimh, R., O’Donovan, M., Monahan, M.P., Dalton O’Connor, C., Fitzgerald, S., Hartigan, I. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 visitor restrictions on family of people living in Residential Care Facilities (RCF). “. Oral presentation at UCC School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Research Conference 2021 on February 4th. 4. Cotter, P., Fleming, S., Meagher, Ryder, M. (2021) Development of a national ANP programme in Ireland: where education meets service need and regulation. 11th ICN NP/APN Network Conference 2021, 29th August to 1st September, Halifax Nova Scotia (Virtual). 5. Cummins et al (2021) Optimising nutrition in frail older adults: using behaviour change theory to address system and team barriers. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 2021 6. Leahy-Warren P. Mulcahy H Corcoran P. Bradley R. O’Connor M. O’Connell R (2021) Factors influencing women’s perception of choice and control during pregnancy and birth Poster presented at NPEC Study Day 2021 Date: Friday 22nd January 2021 Online 7. Leahy-Warren P. Mulcahy, H. Paul Corcoran, Rhona O’Connell (School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork) Mary O’Connor (School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork), Roisin Bradley (2021) “Factors influencing women’s perceptions of choice and control during pregnancy and birth: A cross-sectional study”. Oral presentation at UCC School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Research Conference 2021 on February 4th. 8. Leahy-Warren P. Paul Corcoran, Rhona O’Connell (School of NursingandMidwifery,UniversityCollegeCork)MaryO’Connor (School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork),
1. Allen, S., Bradley, S.K. and Savage, E. (2021). Experience and impact of the 1-2-3 magic parent programme for children with ADHD on the family unit from the mothers’ perspectives: A narrative analysis. Journal of Child Health Care, p.13674935211039933. 2. Bao, Z. and Landers, M. (2021). Non ‐ pharmacological interventions for painmanagement inpatientswithdementia: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 12 July 2021 3. Bavelaar, L., Nicula, M., Morris, S., Kaasalainen, S., Achterberg, W.P., Loucka, M., Vlckova, K., Thompson, G., Cornally, N., Hartigan, I. and Harding, A. (2021). Developing country- specific questions about end-of-life care for nursing home residents with advanced dementia using the nominal group technique with family caregivers. Patient Education and Counseling. 4. Coffey, A., Hartigan, I., Timmons, S., Buckley, C., Lehane, E., O’Loughlin, C., ... & Cornally, N. (2021). Implementation of Evidence-based Guidance for Dementia Palliative Care using Participatory Action Research: Examining Implementation Through the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Implementation Science Communications 2:137 5. Curtin, M., Murphy, M., Savage, E., Leahy-Warren, P., (2021) Humanisation in women with a highrisk pregnancy or childbirth in high income countries: A mixed methods systematic review protocol PROSPERO 6. Curtin, M., Murphy, M., Savage, E., Leahy-Warren, P., (2021) A meta-synthesis of the perspectives and experiences of healthcare professionals on the humanisation of childbirth using a meta-ethnographic approach. Women and Birth 7. Clarke, V., Lehane, E., Mulcahy, H. & Cotter, P. (2021) Nurse Practitioners Implementationof EvidenceBasedPractice into Routine Care: A Scoping Review, World Views on Evidence Based Nursing
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