School of Nursing and Midwifery Scholarly Impact Report 2021
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Dr Johnny Goodwin presents on the use of film-based interventions at Turku University of Applied Sciences Dr JohnnyGoodwinwas invited to speak at TurkuUniversityof Applied Science’s International Seminar 2021. Dr Goodwin’s presentation was titled “The use of film-based interventions in adolescent mental health education”. Dr Goodwin spoke about the history of mental health in film, highlighting the relationship between the birth of psychoanalysis and cinema. The power of film to engage multiple intelligences and its potential as an educational tool were addressed. Dr Goodwin also discussed the pilot of Intinn (a film-based mental health programme for transition year students), reporting on the success of the programme in enhancing adolescent wellbeing, and in encouraging young people to talk openly about their mental health.
Attendance at the 50th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Dr James O’Mahony presented research pertaining to Cognitive Behaviour therapists’ experience of feeling of safety within self- practice/self-reflection at the 50th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Annual Conference in September 2021 in Belfast. Dr Mohamad Saab Presents at the European Cancer Prevention Conference in Belgium and becomes Associate Editor of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention Dr Saabwas invitedbyProfessor Jaak Janssens, President of European Cancer Prevention and Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention pages/default.aspx to present his work on the use of virtual reality in cancer education during the EuropeanCancer PreventionConference. This conference took place in Hasselt, Belgium on October 16 and was attended by cancer prevention clinicians and researchers from around the world. The conference served as an excellent networking opportunity. During the conference, Dr Saab was invited to serve as Associate Editor for the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.
• Dr Saab was invited to present at the European Cancer Prevention meeting in Hasselt, Belgium. • Dr Saab became Associate Editor of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.
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