School of Nursing and Midwifery UCC Annual Report 2020 revis
Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC
MySupport Early Career Mentorship Programme Awarded Digital Badge from the Centre of Digital Education
Lead Researcher and Team: Early Career Research Committee: Serena FitzGerald (Director), Danielle Just (Chair), Emily Di Sante (Co-Chair), Laura Bavelaar (Secretary), Maria Nicula (Social Media and Activities Officer), Siobhan Fox, Andrew Harding, Adrienne McCann, Silvia Gonella, Marco Clari, Karolina Vlckova, Emily Cousins, Selena O’Connell, Aleks Ljubinkovic.
The mySupport Early Career Researchers’ Committee (ECRC) was formed to create an international network of early career researchers who are working as part of the mySupport project team. Committee members include PhD students, post- doctoral researchers, research assistants and research coordinators. The committee has monthly virtual meetings, which facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration between its members. These meetings encourage and promote shared learning across study sites and partner countries. In 2020, the ECRC mentorship programme was launched and the School of Nursing and Midwifery was successful in attaining a digital badge for the programme. The learning outcomes of this programme focus on creating a flexible and integrated online mentoring system to motivate, empower and encourage professional development in early career researchers. This digital badge will ensure that the ECRC members receive an accreditation for their commitment to the mentorship programme and for dedicating time to reflect on and progress their career. This is a timely programme to meet the needs of early career researchers in an online learning environment.
The mySupport Early Career Mentorship Programme launches across six project sites. The School of Nursing and Midwifery successful in attaining a digital badge form the mySupport Early Career Mentorship Programme.
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