School of Nursing and Midwifery UCC Annual Report 2020 revis
Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC
Researchers virtual coffee mornings – staying connected during COVID-19 Dr Noeleen Brady hosts a weekly virtual coffee morning for the researchers in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. As many of the researchers work individually on projects, they do not get a lot of interaction with other members of staff outside of the Principal Investigator and the immediate research team. This is an opportunity for everyone to relax, have a cup of coffee or tea, maybe some cake and just converse and laugh with their fellow researchers. Topics of discussion include the ups and downs of working from home, how much you miss going to the pub for a drink, which Netflix shows to binge watch and there were many animated discussions on the US Presidency. However, the group are open to other topics of discussion. While these sessions have only been ongoing a short while, they have been a success, with those that participate looking forward to the weekly coffee morning to break up their week and to interact with others that can empathize with the realities of the pandemic for researchers. While the benefits of a virtual coffee morning may not be obvious, they can go a long way to supporting mental health of research staff during this crisis. Below is a photo of some of the researchers enjoying their virtual coffee morning. Left: Gearoid Kelly; Right, Top to Bottom: Croia Loughnane, Selena O’Connell, Noeleen Brady.
Dr Mohamad Saab Speaks about Men’s Sexual Health During UCC’s SHAG Week Mohamad was invited by UCC’s Student Union to give a 45-minute talk about men’s sexual health with a focus on testicular diseases during the 2020 Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance (SHAG) week. This Zoom event took place on the week of October 19th 2020 and was open to all UCC students.
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