School of Nursing and Midwifery UCC Annual Report 2020 revis

Teaching, Contribution to Community and Practice, Awards

Sigma International Nursing Society Hosts 5th European Regional Conference ‘Virtually’

The 5th European Regional Conference was due to be held in Portugal in May 2020 but in the wake of the pandemic the organising committee quicky changed plans and the conference was hosted using a Zoom platform - over 300 people attended across the 2-day event and the School of Nursing and Midwifery was represented by Dr Nicola Cornally, who gave two oral presentations:

1. Designing Acute Healthcare Spaces for Dignity at End-of-Life: A Post Occupancy Evaluation.

2. Developing guidance for healthcare professionals on incorporating advance care planning into the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As VP of the Irish Chapter Dr Cornally led the successful bid for the Sigma Theta Tau International 6th Biennial European Regional Conference to be held in Ireland in 2022, which was announced at the closing ceremony. The theme of the conference will be Sustainability Through Partnership. For updates on this and to learn more about the Irish Omega Epsilon Chapter visit our webpage on https://omegaepsilon. or follow us on twitter @sigmireland





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