

AT A GLANCE « contents


• SONM-UCC has a collaborative agreement with University of Airlannga, Indonesia and is a co-host to its annual International Nursing Conference • In 2012, SONM-UCC organised and hosted the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Nursing Editors . • In 2018, SONM-UCC organised and hosted the 19th International Nursing Ethics Conference • A collaborative betwen SONM-UCC , Waterford and Tralee Institutes of Technology, and the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit of the Cork/Kerry region, was recently successful in securing a Sigma Theta Tau Chapter status for Ireland . Sigma Theta Tau International is a long established global organisation for nursing and midwifery leaders with members in over 90 countries.

sonm - ucc is locally rooted and globally connected , working collaboratively with our regional and national health service providers and community groups , and connected worldwide through research and education

• SONM-UCC, while locally rooted, has ambition and reach that is truly international . • Our international students and graduates represent 14 countries outside the European Union : Brunei, Malaysia, India, Korea, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Canada, North America, Ghana, Philippines, China, Malawi • SONM-UCC has a long and strong tradition of inward and outward mobility of students and staff through the ERASMUS+ Programme, involving 6 countries in Europe. • SONM-UCC has hosted 4 Fulbright Scholars from the USA • Through our world-class research and education we are connected to 40 countries worldwide • Since 2015, 43.4% of our publication are in collaboration with researchers from countries outside Ireland . • SONM-UCC growth in publications in the top 10% most viewed worldwide - 41.7% in 2017 compared to 32.6% in 2013

growth in international students from 4 in 2013 to 50 per annum by 2018

growth in countries of origin of international students and graduates from 3 in 2013 to 14 in 2018

Its mission is advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service.



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