School of Nursing and Midwifery Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais
Anxiety in fathers in the perinatal period: A systematic review
Affiliation(s) UCC UCC Abstract Background: Fatherhood in the perinatal period can be a time of great excitement, happiness and joy. However, a growing body of literature indicates that fathers are at risk for elevated levels of anxiety symptoms during the perinatal period Aim: The aim of this systematic review is to determine the prevalence and levels of anxiety in fathers during the perinatal period, identify the risk factors and impact of anxiety, and establish if there are effective interventions that reduce father’s anxiety. Methods: a systematic review protocol was developed and registered with PROSPERO (Reference number: CRD42017073760). The review was guided by the PRISMA reporting process. Electronic databases Medline, CINAHL, Embase, the Cochrane Library, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, and Psychology were searched to identify eligible studies. Studies that researched fathers during the perinatal period were included if anxiety was the primary focus of the research or was an outcome or dependent variable. Data were extracted and presented in narrative form including tables and figures Results: thirty-four studies met the inclusion criteria. Findings from these studies indicate that fathers experience anxiety in the perinatal period, particularly at the time of birth. Anxiety increased from the antenatal period to the time of birth, with a decrease in anxiety from the time of birth to the later postnatal period. The prevalence of anxiety ranged between 3.4% and 25.0% during the antenatal period and 2.4% and 51.0% during the postnatal period. Factors contributing to anxiety included lower education levels, lower income levels, lower co-parenting support, lower social support, work- family conflict, a partner’ anxiety and depression, and being present during a previous birth. Anxiety had a negative impact on fathers’ mental health, physical health, social relationships and parenting skills. Anxiety contributed to stress, depression, fatigue and lower paternal self-efficacy. Five studies reported on interventions to reduce anxiety and all the studies found that anxiety significantly decreased following the intervention. Conclusion: Fathers experience increased anxiety from the antenatal period to the time of birth, with a decrease in anxiety from the time of birth to the later postnatal period. Anxiety during the perinatal period that can impact negatively on father’s physical and mental health, and social relationships.
Clinical Handover Made Easy
Author(s) Amy Slattery and Edel O’Neill CPC CNS Paediatric Intellectual Disability Affiliation(s) Mercy University Hospital
Abstract Background: Issues were identified in relation to clinical handover in the Paediatric Ward. These included an unsuitable location, numerous interruptions (average 3 per handover) and an extended period of time spent at handover (average 17.5mins per patient). In addition to this the handover process did not follow a particular structure which at times resulted in omissions of key clinical information such as Paediatric Early Warning Scores (60% of PEWS scores not handed over). Aim: The purpose of this was to identify ways in which the process could be enhanced to allow the efficient organisation and management of clinical time. Methods: The audit was conducted over a two week period. The audit identified a number of issues that required review. The results were formulated and a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) was developed. This plan was presented to staff prior to implementation and discussed at a staff meeting. The QIP outlined various strategies that would be implemented over a six week trial period. These included a relocation of handover to a quieter area, implementation of a ‘Protected Handover’ time and a reorganization of clinical staff to manage queries and prevent interruptions. In
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