School of Nursing and Midwifery Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais
Health and well-being across boundaries revisited– experiences from Ireland, Norway and Zambia Author(s) Dr Helen Mulcahy, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC, Ireland, Ms Anne Gerd Karlsen, Associate Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Mrs. Loveness Moonde Livingstone School of Nursing and Midwifery (LSNM), Zambia Prof. Anne Clancy, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway Affiliation(s) UCC Abstract Background: Evidence suggests nurse educators collaborating across international boundaries and cultures can promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences and thus increase a sense of global responsibility. This initiative describes how public health nursing educators from three countries, Ireland, Zambia and Norway, work together to collaborate on educating diploma, postgraduate and master`s level public health nursing students. Aim: To promote international networking and to enhance awareness of global health and public health nursing practices in different contexts. Methods: The initiative began with an Erasmus exchange from Norway to Ireland by one the authors (AC) in 2012 and has blossomed since then. Teaching exchanges and publications already completed seek to understand public health nursing concerns across boundaries and increase awareness of how health and well-being are understood in different contexts. Results: Working across international boundaries and cultures promotes the exchange of knowledge and increase a sense of global responsibility and solidarity. Reciprocal Erasmus staff training visits and joint publications have been achieved. Planning is ongoing to support Erasmus exchange of nursing and public health student nurses between Ireland and Norway. Online learning opportunities are proposed for 2019, linked to specific content, such as cultural awareness, ethics, evidence-based practice and having a global perspective. Conclusion: The three institutions are currently processing inter-institutional agreements and are continuing visits and research collaboration. International networking and collaboration among nurse educators enhances existing programme. Ultimately, the initiative contributes to understanding health from a global perspective. In February 2013, the Minister for Health Dr James Reilly Issued Ireland’s First National Clinical Guideline- the National Early Warning Score For Ireland (NEWS),DOH, (2013),. Early Warning Scores facilitate the early detection of a patient’s deterioration by classifying a patient’s severity of illness – through the presentation of a ‘score’ that triggers a specific care pathway and prompts nursing staff to request a medical review at specific trigger points (Mitchell et al., 2010) The Current NEWS system relies on the recording of a number of patient measurements by nurses; these are recorded on a standard NEWS paper document and a calculation of score is made by the nurses. This enables a more timely response through a common language by using this structured tool and plan. This study proposed to use a digital version of the paper NEWS document- where nurses input the NEWS measurements onto a tablet containing a digital version of the chart. These measurements were either manually entered by the nurse typing in the measurement or automatically transferred from the vital sign medical device. The NEWS score was calculated automatically and the appropriate escalation/response displayed. This removes a large percentage of potential errors compared with a paper observation. This has been backed up by an independent Six Sigma investigation and by independent hospitals analysis into the paper system (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). The platform allows the nurses, nurse managers at the nurse’s station to have sight of all patient NEWS scores on a single screen (currently these are only available by checking the patient charts). The aims of this study were (1) to measure the impact on transcription errors compared to the paper version (2) to measure compliance rate for The Good News and the Bad News Author(s) Noreen Lynch RGN, CNS, NURSE LIASON MANAGER HEALTH INNOVATION HUB CORK Affiliation(s) Health Innovation hub Ireland, UCC AbstractAim: Introduction
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